Ngor Island Surf Camp
A paradise on a tiny Island surrounded by a few world class waves, close to the city of Dakar.
We specialise in Surf Guiding for intermediate and advanced surfers.
The camp comes with a pool, a gym, a lush garden and much more...
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Every day our professional surf guides will take you to the best of the 21 surrounding surf spots, suited to your level and the surf conditions on the day. Located on the most Western point of Africa, the Dakar peninsula attracts swell from the North, West and South offering West Africa's largest and most consistent swell window.
Serious about surfing, Awesome in accommodation - this is our slogan. We always do our best to make sure that our guests are at the best place at the right time; monitoring the swell forecasts and using our 20 years of local knowledge. Surf trips at the camp run all day, so if dawn patrol isn't your thing, you can join the several other trips that leave throughout the day, either by 4x4 or by boat drop-off straight at the peak.

Articles about surfing in Senegal
New York Times - Swells from North and South bring the surf to the edge of Western Africa.
The Independent - West Africa may not be the first place you think of for waves, but it has a serious surf pedigree
Theinertia.com - 7 Reasons to Surf Senegal
Mpora.com - Surfing in Senegal | An African Wave Safari
The Guardian - Despite world-class waves, the beaches around Dakar are still little known and uncrowded